Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Statement from Gov. Perry on Nomination of Gates as Secretary of Defense

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement regarding President Bush’s decision to nominate Texas A&M President Robert Gates to replace Donald Rumsfeld as U.S. Secretary of Defense.
“As a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Robert Gates is uniquely qualified for this new challenge. Like tens of thousands of Aggies before him, Gates has answered the call to serve his country. We wish him well as he undertakes the enormous challenge overseeing the U.S. Armed Forces and the War on Terrorism, and we thank him for his service to Texas A&M University.”

The American People

The American People are spineless and gutless. I am scared to death. that we are going to be attacked again.

Monday, November 06, 2006

President Bush campaigns in Texas

President Bush campaigns in Texas
11:52 AM CST on Monday, November 6, 2006
Associated Press

AP President and Mrs. Bush board Air Force One in Waco Monday morning.
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WACO, Texas — President Bush is using the last day of his ten-state campaign swing to flush out GOP and swing voters needed to keep Republicans sitting in the governor's offices of Texas, Florida and Arkansas.
Bush hits the campaign trail today for the fifth consecutive day. He'll travel to states where his advisers believe he can best help fend off a Democratic takeover of Congress and most of the nation's governorships for the first time in 12 years.
Bush's first stop is in the Florida Panhandle to stump for Republican attorney general Charlie Crist, who will be a no-show. Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the president's brother, will attend the Pensacola event in Crist's place.
After Florida, Bush heads to Arkansas where the race for governor pits Democratic Attorney General Mike Beebe against Republican Asa Hutchinson, a former congressman and federal Homeland Security official.
Before returning to his Central Texas ranch in Crawford, Bush speaks at a Dallas rally for Texas Governor Rick Perry, who leads the polls in his re-election bid.
On Election Day, Bush plans to vote in Crawford, then return to Washington to wait for ballot returns.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Abandon Troops

Friday, November 03, 2006AMERICA WEAKLY: Dems' Choice: Abandon Troops And The War On Terror

Dem Policies Would Weaken Troop Morale, Roll Back Key Programs To Fight War On Terror, Leave Iraq To Terrorists ________________________________________________

FACT: Dems' Anti-Military Stance Angers U.S. Troops:

Sean Aguilar, 334th Signal Company, Mosul Iraq: "I was amazed. I was shocked to hear [Sen. Kerry] say that. I did four years, went to college, came back in, and I've been doing more college. The way he said it is just, if you don't go to college, you're joining the Army, so that just means that - I guess people that aren't smart join the army." (KIRO-TV's "Eyewitness News")
Click Here To Watch Mr. Aguilar's Reaction To Sen. John Kerry (D-MA).
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't you get stuck in Iraq." (NBC 4's Website,, Accessed 10/31/06)
Click Here To Watch Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Belittle American Troops.
FLASHBACK: Kerry In 1972: "I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown ... We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'" (John Solomon, "Kerry's '72 Campaign Comments On Army Mirror Latest Flap," The Associated Press, 11/2/06)
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL): "If I ... did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners [at Guantanamo] in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their Gulags, or some mad regime, Pol Pot, or others that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners." (Sen. Richard Durbin, Congressional Record, 6/14/05 p. S6594)
Click Here To Watch Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) Compare U.S. Troops To Nazis.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Called Resolution To Support Troops "Bitter Pill." "As to the resolution in support of the troops, Ms. Pelosi regards it as 'a bitter pill.' Ever the pragmatist, she delivered a speech in opposition to its wording, then voted in favor." (Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "With Democrats Divided On War, Pelosi Faces Leadership Test," The New York Times, 4/1/03)

FACT: Dems Would Cut Defense Funding, Leaving Troops To Fend For Themselves:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) Will Chair The Powerful Ways And Means Committee If Democrats Win Control Of The House Next Year, But His Main Goal In 2007 Does Not Fall Within His Panel's Jurisdiction." (Bob Cusack, "Anxious Dems Eye Power Of The Purse On Iraq," The Hill, 9/26/06)
"[W]hen Pressed On How He Could Stop The War Even If Democrats Control The House During The Last Years Of President Bush's Second Term, Rangel Paused Before Saying, 'You've Got To Be Able To Pay For The War, Don't You?'" (Bob Cusack, "Anxious Dems Eye Power Of The Purse On Iraq," The Hill, 9/26/06)
Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) Introduced Legislation "To Prohibit The Use Of Funds To Deploy United States Armed Forces To Iraq." (H.R. 4232, Introduced 11/4/05)
The Bill Is Co-Sponsored By 18 House Democrats. (H.R. 4232, Introduced 11/4/05)

FACT: Dem House Leader Doesn't "Really Consider Ourselves At War" And Sees No Benefit In Catching Bin Laden:

Less Than One Year After 9/11, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Said She Did Not Consider Us At War. Rep. Pelosi: "I don't really consider ourselves at war ... We're in a struggle against terrorism throughout the world ..." (Miles Benson, "Democrats Show Greater Audacity In Criticizing Bush," Newhouse News Service, 5/6/02)

Rep. Pelosi Says Capturing Bin Laden Doesn't Make U.S. Any Safer. Rep. Pelosi: "[E]ven if [Osama bin Laden] is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done ... is done. And even to capture him now I don't think makes us any safer." (Rep. Pelosi, Press Conference, 9/7/06)
Click Here To Watch Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Say Catching Osama Bin Laden Would Not Make Us Any Safer. FACT: Dems Voted Against The PATRIOT Act:

House Democrats Had Three Opportunities To Vote For Passage Of The PATRIOT Act And A Majority Voted Against It Every Time. (H.R. 3199, CQ Vote #414: Passed 257-171: R 214-14; D 43-156; I 0-1, 7/21/05; H.R. 3199, CQ Vote #627: Adopted 251-174: R 207-18; D 44-155; I 0-1, 12/14/05; S. 2271, CQ Vote #20: Motion Agreed To 280-138: R 214-13; D 66-124; I 0-1, 3/7/06)

Nine Senate Democrats Voted Against The PATRIOT Act. (H.R. 3199, CQ Vote #29: Adopted 89-10: R 55-0; D 34-9; I 0-1, 3/2/06)
In December 2005, 41 Senate Democrats Filibustered PATRIOT Act. (H.R. 3199, CQ Vote #358: Motion Rejected 52-47: R 50-5; D 2-41; I 0-1, 12/16/05)
"'We Killed The PATRIOT Act,' Boasted Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, To Cheers From A Crowd At A Political Rally After The Vote." (Charles Hurt, "Patriot Act Extension Filibustered," The Washington Times, 12/17/05)
Click Here To Watch The Video Of Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) As He Celebrated The Killing Of The PATRIOT Act.
Montana Democrat Senate Candidate Jon Tester: "I don't want to weaken the PATRIOT Act, I want to repeal it." (Gwen Florio, "U.S. Senate Candidates Trade Jabs," Great Falls [MT] Tribune, 9/24/06)
Click Here To Watch Jon Tester Say He Wants To Repeal The PATRIOT Act.
FACT: Dems Opposed Terrorist Surveillance Program:
177 House Democrats Voted Against The Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act, Which Would Make It Easier To Monitor Terrorist Communications. (H.R. 5825, CQ Vote #502: Passed 232-191: R 214-13; D 18-177; I 0-1, 9/28/06)
Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ): "This is the most expansive, frightening, and unreasonable expansion of government power since Japanese Americans were unlawfully interned in the Second World War." (Rep. Rob Andrews, Congressional Record, 9/28/06, p. H7864)
Click Here To Watch Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ) Calling The Terrorist Surveillance Program The Most Frightening Program Since Japanese Internment.
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI): "[T]his is a lot more serious, a lot more like an impeachable offense than anything President Clinton ever did." (CNN's "American Morning," 3/13/06) 174 House Democrats Opposed Resolution Expressing "[S]upport For Intelligence And Law Enforcement Programs To Track Terrorists And Terrorist Finances ..." (H. Res. 895, CQ Vote #357: Adopted 227-183: R 210-8; D 17-174; I 0-1, 6/29/06)

FACT: Dems Voted Against Military Tribunals For Dangerous Terrorists:

162 House And 32 Senate Democrats Voted Against Authorizing Military Tribunals For Dangerous Terrorist Suspects, Including Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. (S. 3930, CQ Vote #508: Adopted 250-170: R 218-7; D 32-162; I 0-1, 9/29/06; S. 3930, CQ Vote #259: Passed 65-34: R 53-1; D 12-32; I 0-1, 9/28/06)
In 2004, 81 House Democrats Voted Against An Amendment That Said "The Apprehension, Detention, And Interrogation Of Terrorists Are Fundamental To The Successful Prosecution Of The War On Terror." (H.R. 4548, CQ Vote #298: Adopted 304-116: R 223-0; D 81-115; I 0-1, 6/23/04)
FACT: During The Bush Administration, Dems Have Voted Against Missile Defense At Least 9 Times:

Since 2001, A Majority Of House And Senate Democrats Voted At Least 9 Times Against Funding And Deployment Of Missile Defense. (H. Con. Res. 376, CQ Vote #155: Rejected 131-294: R 0-229; D 130-65; I 1-0; 5/17/06; H.R. 5122, CQ Vote #142: Rejected 124-301: R 6-221; D 117-80; I 1-0; 5/11/06; S. 1042, CQ Vote #311: Rejected 37-60: R 2-52; D 34-8; I 1-0, 11/8/05; H. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #85: Rejected 134-292: R 1-225; D 132-67; I 1-0 , 3/17/05; S. 2400, CQ Vote #133: Rejected 44-56: R 0-51; D 43-5; I 1-0, 6/22/04; H. Con. Res. 393, CQ Vote #88: Rejected 119-302: R 0-220; D 118-82; I 1-0, 3/25/04; H.R. 1588, CQ Vote #221: Passed 361-68: R 223-1; D 138-66; I 0-1, 5/22/03; H.R. 4546, CQ Vote #158: Passed 359-58: R 212-1; D 146-56; I 1-1, 5/10/02; H.R. 4546, CQ Vote #145: Rejected 159-253: R 2-206; D 156-46; I 1-1, 5/9/02)

FACT: Dems Would Leave Iraq To The Terrorists Even Though Al Qaeda Leader Said Iraq Is Central To War On Terror:

2006: 149 House Democrats Voted For Withdrawal From Iraq And Against The Resolution "Declaring That The United States Will Prevail In The Global War On Terror, The Struggle To Protect Freedom From The Terrorist Adversary." (H.R. 861, CQ Vote #288: Adopted 256-153: R 214-3; D 42-149; I 0-1, 6/16/06; H. Res. 861, Introduced 6/12/06)
2006: 38 Senate Democrats Voted For The Carl Levin (D-MI) And Jack Reed (D-RI) Plan For A Phased Withdrawal From Iraq. (S. 2766, CQ Vote #182: Rejected 39-60: R 1-54; D 37-6; I 1-0, 6/22/06)
2006: 13 Senate Democrats Voted For The John Kerry (D-MA) And Russ Feingold (D-WI) Plan To Withdraw American Troops From Iraq By July 1, 2007. (S. 2766, CQ Vote #181: Rejected 13-86: R 0-55; D 12-31; I 1-0, 6/22/06)
2005: 38 Senate Democrats Vote For A "Timetable For Withdrawal." (S. 1042, CQ Vote #322: Rejected 40-58: R 1-53; D 38-5; I 1-0, 11/15/05)
Osama Bin Laden: Baghdad Is "The Capital Of The Caliphate." (Text Of Bin Laden's Audio Message To Muslims In Iraq, Posted On Jihadist Websites, 12/28/04)
Bin Laden: "The Most Important And Serious Issue Today For The Whole World Is This Third World War ... Raging In [Iraq]." Bin Laden: "I now address my speech to the whole of the Islamic nation: Listen and understand. The issue is big and the misfortune is momentous. The most important and serious issue today for the whole world is this Third World War, which the Crusader-Zionist coalition began against the Islamic nation. It is raging in the land of the two rivers. The world's millstone and pillar is in Baghdad, the capital of the caliphate." (Text Of Bin Laden's Audio Message To Muslims In Iraq, Posted On Jihadist Websites, 12/28/04)

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