Monday, October 30, 2006

What Would the Democrats Do?

What Would the Democrats Do?

Posted by
Bobby EberleOctober 24, 2006 at 6:28 am
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As the mid-term elections near, there has been much talk in the media (and by Republican leaders) of what the next Congress would look like under Democrat control. Visions of San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi as the next speaker of the House and committee chairs such as Charles Rangel and Barney Frank are enough to scare just about any conservative to the voting booth. But… given control, what would the Democrats do?
Republican Study Committee (RSC) recently put together an interesting document which highlights activities that normally fly under the radar screen of the media and the American public. The Democrats are hard at work in Congress. However, a study of the bills that are being spearheaded by these liberals points to just how out of touch they are with American priorities. The RSC has done a great job in pointing this out.

The Democrats continue to complain about the Republican agenda. They harp that Republicans have cut taxes and grown the economy. The Dow is hitting new highs, yet the complaints keep coming. They moan about the situation in Iraq, yet have no plan of their own (other than cut-and-run) to put before the American public. So… what is their agenda? Let’s look…
Charles Rangel is sponsoring the Crack-Cocaine Equitable Sentencing Act (H.R. 2456). This bill would eliminate the mandatory minimum sentence for crack-cocaine convictions. In addition, cop-slapping Rep. Cynthia McKinney has sponsored the Tupac Shakur Records Release Act of 2006 (H.R. 4968). This bill would enshrine copies of government records concerning rapper Tupac Shakur in a specially created collection at the National Archives.
As if the federal government doesn’t have their hands in enough local issues, New York Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler has proposed the Antibullying Campaign Act (H.R. 3787). This bill would create a new federal grant program aimed at reducing bullying in public schools “based on any distinguishing characteristic of an individual.” A federal program targeting schoolyard bullies? Is this where our tax money should be going?
In a move to strike back against the success of conservative media, there is the Media Ownership Reform Act (H.R. 3302). This bill calls for restrictions on ownership of radio and television stations, which would force some owners to divest their holdings. The bill would also regulate broadcast content.
Regarding the Constitution, the Democrats have proposed amendments which would create constitutional rights to equal health care, housing, and full employment. Thus, not only would the government be tasked with protecting the nation, it would also have to provide each person with medicine, a house, and a job. Sounding more and more like France to you? It sure does to me.
There is, of course, a bill which call for the immediate withdrawal from Iraq (H.R. 4232). Add to that a bill which calls for new taxes to pay for national health insurance (H.R. 15), a bill to allow convicts who are just out of prison to vote, and a new income tax on workers, employers, and self-employed businessmen to fund Social Security.
Barney Frank wants adult diapers covered by Medicare and Jim McDermott wants people to get free gas through additional taxes.
The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. The Republicans have a lot of work to do after Election Day to earn back the trust of conservatives. We have an agenda, and we want it enacted — not set aside in favoring of playing politics. However, the fact remains that America under Democrat control means an agenda of more taxes, weakened security, and political correctness run amok. It’s our job to work for Republican majorities and then hold those majorities accountable.

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